eBook: Attracting the Right Candidates in Today’s Hiring Market

As part two of our three-part content series on the changing hiring market, we’ve put together a free e-book to help you recruit great candidates using the latest tools and strategies.

In today’s hiring market, disruption is real. Not only is good talent scarcer than before, but “job grazing” means that candidates have more options at their fingertips if the fit isn’t right.

Plus, employees are looking for a career, not just a job. People no longer choose to work for a company—they choose to work with a company.

So, how can you recruit candidates whose goals and talents align as well as possible with your role, team, and organization?

In this e-book, you’ll learn how to:

  • Embrace disruption in the hiring market by thinking like a recruiter.
  • Craft a consistent, authentic, and relevant message about your open position.
  • Market your job by communicating your value proposition in the right places.
  • Identify and select candidates who are the best fit by asking the right questions during the interview.
  • And more.

Check out part one—The Convergence Zone: 5 Key Trends Disrupting the Hiring Market (Infographic)


Higher Ed Geek Podcast

Listen in and “Geek Out” with Marcie Glenn and Dustin Ramsdell and learn what is shaping higher ed recruiting. Marcie Glenn, Chief Talent Strategist &

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